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2.2 Td Scrolls

2.2 Td Scrolls

Q INSTRUCTIONS 1. Review Chapter 7 of the textbook and The Canon PDF. 2. For your initial post, discuss the following: a. Define “canon” and describe the canonization process by which books of the New Testament were canonized. b. Name the councils that met and the dates they met to determine the eligibility of contemporary writings to be considered a part of the New Testament canon. c. List the criteria for selection of the New Testament writings and briefly describe the importance of each. d. State the significance of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and how this important archeological find validates the canonization process. Briefly mentioned particular books of the Bible included in this important, modern-day discovery. BIBL-102 Unit Two NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY Assignment 2.2 e. Identify the Qumran community and suggest how this highly religious sect of people informs Judaism and the Christian faith. f. Define “pseudepigrapha.” Suggest motives for the composition of these “false writings.”

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“Canon” means a set of rules/set of measuring sticks which measure/validate a scripture of a religion. The citing of a normative form of a body of Christian documents, the public worshipping of those Christian documents are all contributors to the canonization process. The councils that met to determine the eligibility of contemporary writings for introducing in the New Testament canon were the early second-century Apostolic Fathers (80-110 AD), the early church fathers of the end of the second century, etc.